What is FLAG Bedford
Mission Statement
Our aim is to combat social isolation, boost confidence and promote independence for disabled adults in the Bedford area. We do this by organising a variety of regular get- togethers and subsidised events for which we provide transport and support. We also provide a forum to ensure disabledaccess & rights are observed.
FLAG Bedford is a user-led social group for adults with a physical or learning disability and/or sensory impairment, and their friends, carers and volunteers, who live in the Bedford area. Members can attend our weekly get-togethers at Priory Methodist Church, to socialise with other members over a cup of tea or coffee or join in our various activities. We also arrange bi-monthly events and outings in venues used by the wider community.
December 2024  Here are the Activities and Events for December 2024 for FLAG Bedford.  Thursday 05/12/24 - Decorating the Christmas Tree at Priory Methodist. Thursday 12/12/24 - No FLAG Meeting. Friday      13/12/24 - Christmas Meal at Kings House, Ampthill Road. 6.00-9.30. Thursday 19/12/24 - Christmas Nibbles & Raffle at Priory Methodist. 1.30-4.00 Thursday 26/12/24 - No FLAG Meeting. Thursday 02/01/24 - No FLAG Meeting.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.